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IndiaMART Verified Exporter IndiaMART Verified Exporter



“Customer's Satisfaction Though Customization" is our motto and we work towards achieving it in every aspect of business process that involves client. From query reply to order finalization, from product designing to deliver every stage paid due attention ensuring complete customer satisfaction. Our customer oriented approach facilitates product customization that to caters to our client’s specific requirement in every segment. Beginning from raw material as desired by the client, to designing, shape, size, finish to packing and shipping, we can modify every stage of processing as per client's demand. Well equipped with all the required facilities, we are capable to manufacture exact replica of the designs drawings, samples or photographs provided by our clients. We also provide customization in terms of labeling and embossing, as demanded by the client. Customized packaging can also be availed, according to the requirement of our clients. We match our packaging techniques and materials to the requirement of the goods, customer specifications, insurance requirements and the shipping environment.

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Khukriwala Handicrafts